Rob was an invited presenter to the National Conference on Art Education for Rural Children in China. He gave three 6-hour presentations focusing on fundamental strategies in Schulwerk pedagogy. The conference took place in Xining, the capital of Qinhia Province in Central China from July 27-29, 2012. The Qinghai Normal Universtiy hosted the event. The 150 participants sang, folk danced, sang, improvised using movement, body percussion and instruments, made new discoveries using their own poetry and children's games, created new choreographies to music by Handel and Saint-Saƫns, while learning the fundamental pedagogical goals of Orff teaching.
Rob taught a children's group as part of the event. Rob's wife, Deb, helped in giving short lectures on early childhood, Montessori, and children's singing voice. As a closing activity, participants shared their native folk songs and children's games and sang Viva la Musica.
Brent Holl -